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CFA Institute Reports Results for CFA Program Level I Testing in November

11 January, 2022
New York City United States

CFA Institute, the global association of investment professionals, announces that of 28,170 candidates worldwide who sat for the Level I CFA® Program exam in November, 27 percent have passed. All candidates will be notified of their results today.

Peg Jobst, Managing Director, Credentialing at CFA Institute, comments:
“Congratulations to all candidates receiving news of their Level I exam success today. Many of the November cohort took their exams against a backdrop of one or more exam deferrals earlier in their exam journey, showing a remarkable degree of fortitude in pursuing their studies. As we continue to support the rescheduling of deferred candidates across all three levels of the CFA Program, I’m pleased that many deferred candidates have now sat their exam, with more registered to sit in upcoming exam windows.”

Candidates for the November Level I CFA Program exams attended in person at one of 666 proctored computer-based examination venues located in 358 cities in 102 markets worldwide. CFA Program Level II and Level III results from the November series examinations will be released to candidates on 19 January 2022 and 3 February 2022, respectively. Global-level pass rate information and historical data can be found at the following link: Exam Results and Pass Rates.

CFA Program candidates sitting exams in 2022 will be tested on the new 2022 curriculum, with 42 days of testing offered in the following exam windows:

Level I: February, May, August, November
Level II: February, August, November
Level III: May, August

“Traditionally, the CFA Program curriculum changes every year,” Jobst said. “We froze the curriculum between 2020 and 2021 to allow candidates impacted by pandemic deferrals to continue studying the same content. This was the first and only time we did this. Beginning in 2022, we return to our standard practice of annual revisions. We’re excited to bring this new curriculum to candidates, ensuring they continue to be challenged and tested on the most up-to-date concepts and practices.”

For further information, please contact [email protected].

CFA Program short
<p><strong>About the CFA Program</strong></p><p>Enrolling in the <a href="/node/1816" data-entity-type="node" data-entity-uuid="2a61903c-3ab4-4a35-a55c-d250bb714ab3" data-entity-substitution="canonical">CFA Program</a> and earning the CFA charter prepares individuals for a variety of <a href="https://www.cfainstitute.org/programs/cfa-program#career-paths">career paths</a> in every sector of the global finance industry. Candidates can access all the essential study tools through the <a href="https://www.cfainstitute.org/programs/cfa-program#learning-experience">Learning Ecosystem</a> including mock exams and the newly introduced Practical Skills Modules. Candidates preparing to sit for an exam after a deferral may find <a href="/node/51146" data-entity-type="node" data-entity-uuid="ad2ab230-deb3-4f04-b1d1-c58b685d3b70" data-entity-substitution="canonical">CFA exam study tips</a> helpful. For more about the CFA Program, visit: <a href="/node/1816" data-entity-type="node" data-entity-uuid="2a61903c-3ab4-4a35-a55c-d250bb714ab3" data-entity-substitution="canonical">CFA Program</a>.</p>
CFA Institute main
<p><strong>About CFA Institute</strong></p><p><span>As the global association of investment professionals, CFA Institute sets the standard for professional excellence and credentials. We champion ethical behavior in investment markets and serve as the leading source of learning and research for the investment industry. We believe in fostering an environment where investors’ interests come first, markets function at their best, and economies grow. With more than 200,000 charterholders worldwide across 160 markets, CFA Institute has 10 offices and 160 local societies.&nbsp;</span> Find us at <a href="https://www.cfainstitute.org/">www.cfainstitute.org</a> or follow us on <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/company/cfasocietyaustralia">LinkedIn</a> and X at <a href="https://x.com/CFAinstitute">@CFAInstitute.</a></p>
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<p><strong>Notes to Editors</strong></p><p>Enrolling in the <a href="https://www.cfainstitute.org/en/programs/cfa">CFA Program</a> and earning the CFA charter prepares individuals for a variety of career paths in the investment industry. The CFA designation is valued by employers in every sector of the global finance industry including portfolio management, investment analysis, wealth management and consulting. For more about the kind of roles available for CFA charterholders, please visit: <a href="https://www.cfainstitute.org/en/programs/cfa/charterholder-careers">Charterholder Careers</a>. Registration in the CFA Program provides access to extensive online learning materials including a <a href="https://www.cfainstitute.org/en/programs/learning-ecosystem">Learning Ecosystem</a><span>, an adaptive online learning tool that provides candidates with all necessary study materials, study planning tools and mock examinations, designed to focus candidates on their needs, strengths and weaknesses in preparation for their exams. For detailed information about the CFA Program history, its curriculum content, and how examinations are graded, visit </span><a href="https://www.cfainstitute.org/-/media/documents/support/programs/cfa/cfa-program-theory-meets-practice.ashx">Where Theory Meets Practice</a>.</p><p><span><strong>Additional Candidate Resources</strong></span></p><ul><li><a href="https://www.cfainstitute.org/-/media/documents/support/programs/cfa/2022-cfa-program-curriculum-changes-guide.ashx" target="_blank"><span>Guide to 2022 CFA Program Curriculum Changes</span></a><span>, outlines key changes to curriculum content across all three levels of the CFA Program.</span></li><li><a href="https://www.cfainstitute.org/programs/cfa/curriculum/study-tips"><span>CFA Exam Study Tips,</span></a><span> offers information and advice to candidates studying for a CFA exam after a deferral.</span></li><li><a href="https://www.cfainstitute.org/programs/cfa/exam/inside-the-cfa-program"><span>Inside the CFA Program</span></a><span>, addresses recent exam administration pass rates and the CFA exam Standard Setting Process through a new series of video messages.</span></li></ul><p>&nbsp;</p>