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How to stay motivated when studying for difficult exams

This image depicts a young child wearing a business suit, tie, and a red motorcycle helmet. The child is standing in a desert-like landscape, holding what appears to be a small cardboard box or structure in front of them. The image conveys a sense of whimsy and imagination, with the child playing at being a professional or businessman in an unexpected outdoor setting.
Published 13 Nov 2024

Staying motivated while studying for exams is crucial, especially when things get tough. Here are some practical tips to keep you on track.

When things are tough, it's easy to give up.

Staying fit, learning a new language, starting a new business, even maintaining relationships—all of these are challenging and require commitment and willpower.

The same applies to studying for exams. Particularly tough exams. 

You’ve had enough. You’re exhausted. But one last push and you’ll be over the line. 

You need a strong dose of motivation, but that’s easier said than done. 

Here are 5 strategies to help keep you motivated during your exam preparation when all you really want to do is down tools.

#1 Have a positive mindset

It’s all well and good being told to ‘think positively’ but a positive mindset is something you can actually train yourself to have using certain strategies.  

Examples include: 

  • Practicing Gratitude - this shifts your focus away from what’s going wrong to what’s going right.
  • Visualizing Success - spend some time every day imagining what it’ll be like when you’ve taken that last exam and got the results you want.
  • Reframing Negative Thoughts - for example, instead of saying “I don’t understand this” think “This is challenging, but with hard work I’ll master it”.

#2 Develop a routine

When we’re craving a holiday, we cry out for a change in routine. But routines aren’t the enemy. In fact, they can play an important role in reducing anxiety and keeping us happy, healthy and motivated.

Routines enable us to build momentum by working a little towards our goals every day.  They allow us to set small, actionable targets that, when achieved, give us the boost we need to keep going. 

Imagine you're training for your first 5K race. Getting up early every morning for your run is good advice. By doing the same thing every day, your body and mind come to expect it, you plan it in your diary, and you know exactly what to expect. After each run, you feel a sense of accomplishment.

This was the approach taken by Carlos Cremades, CFA, an Investment Banking Analyst at CaixaBank. “My experience was that I prioritized studying on weekends because I had to do both work and study, but I never failed any single weekend in three years. So that's basically what led me to succeed,” he said.

A daily routine offers other benefits: it gives you a sense of control, which helps reduce stress, and minimizes decision fatigue, allowing you to focus on the important tasks without getting bogged down by the small ones.

#3 Reward yourself

Rewarding yourself is a powerful strategy for maintaining motivation. Small rewards reinforce positive behaviors and make you more likely to repeat them. 

Having something to look forward to when you’ve completed a task can make what you need to do feel less cumbersome and more enjoyable.

Rewards don’t have to be grand. Small rewards are equally effective. You could, for example, reward yourself for completing your small daily tasks with a short walk or a favorite snack.

For larger tasks, you could reward yourself with a night out or a new gadget or piece of clothing. 

#4 Make time for other things

Studying might be your top priority but to stay motivated, it’s important to break your day up and carve out time for other things. 

The fastest route to burnout is overdoing it so develop a regular study plan and stick to it. The key is to be strict with yourself. An extra 20 more minutes can quickly turn into one more hour.

You need breaks and distraction otherwise you’ll start resenting your studies and lose motivation fast.

#5 Build a support network

Whether it’s from family, friends, or fellow students, having a strong support network is crucial for both emotional and practical support.

Loved ones will let you vent, listen to your concerns, and offer moral support and encouragement when you need it. Other students will be able to relate to your experiences, empathize, and spur you on. 

Kate Freeman, CFA, a Financial Advisor at UBS, said the support she had from friends when she was studying for her CFA Charter was invaluable: “We would complain together and would support each other,” she said. 

Seeking support from mentors or coaches is another option if you’re feeling unmotivated. They can offer personalized support and help you set realistic goals.

As Fan Fan, CFA, Project Finance Associate at ING Bank, said: “Don't be afraid to ask for help and advice whenever you are in need.” 

After all, it takes a village! 

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