Practitioners’ Insights: Learn more about quantitative approaches to valuation and portfolio construction
Quantitative approaches to estimating intrinsic value often begin and end with discounted cash flow (DCF) models, which can be applied meaningfully to only a handful of companies that generate stable free cash flows. Many companies lie outside this universe of mature free-cash-flow generators.
This webinar will discuss alternative quantitative approaches that can be applied to estimate the fair market value of a larger universe of stocks. Although every investor who researches a company develops some understanding of the business fundamentals and forms expectations about the outlook of the business, these models will help you translate the narratives into mathematics.
The second part of the webinar will discuss position sizing. We often get carried away by the percentage of returns that we make on a stock. What ultimately matters is the return generated by the portfolio, and in this context, position sizing is critical. We will discuss a quantitative approach to position sizing that can help you reduce the role of emotions in decision making.
Learning Outcomes:
- Explore quantitative approaches other than conventional DCF that can be used for stock valuation.
- Learn how much you pay for a stock based on your analysis of the underlying business.
- Discuss ways to recalibrate your expectations based on the new information that is available.
- Gain an understanding of which stock to sell, how much to sell, and how to maintain positions based on estimates of intrinsic value of the stocks in a portfolio.
This is the archived version of a live webinar that took place on 20 July 2023
About the Speaker(s)
1 PL Credit
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