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Valuation and Analysis of Bonds with Embedded Options

2025 Curriculum CFA® Program Level II Fixed Income
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The valuation of a fixed-rate, option-free bond generally requires determining its future cash flows and discounting them at the appropriate rates. Valuation becomes more complicated when a bond has one or more embedded options because the values of embedded options are typically contingent on interest rates.

Understanding how to value and analyze bonds with embedded options is important for practitioners. Issuers of bonds often manage interest rate exposure with embedded options, such as call provisions. Investors in callable bonds must appreciate the risk of being called. The perception of this risk is collectively represented by the premium, in terms of increased coupon or yield, that the market demands for callable bonds relative to otherwise identical option-free bonds. Issuers and investors must also understand how other types of embedded options—such as put provisions, conversion options, caps, and floors—affect bond values and the sensitivity of these bonds to interest rate movements. We first provide a brief overview of various types of embedded options.

We then discuss bonds that include a call or put provision. Taking a building-block approach, we show how the arbitrage-free valuation framework discussed earlier can be applied to the valuation of callable and putable bonds—first in the absence of interest rate volatility, and then when interest rates fluctuate. We also discuss how option-adjusted spreads are used to value risky callable and putable bonds. We then turn to interest rate sensitivity. It highlights the need to use effective duration, including one-sided durations and key rate durations, as well as effective convexity to assess the effect of interest rate movements on the value of callable and putable bonds. We also explain the valuation of capped and floored floating-rate bonds (floaters) and convertible bonds.


Learning Outcomes

The candidate should be able to:

  • describe fixed-income securities with embedded options;
  • explain the relationships between the values of a callable or putable bond, the underlying option-free (straight) bond, and the embedded option;
  • describe how the arbitrage-free framework can be used to value a bond with embedded options;
  • explain how interest rate volatility affects the value of a callable or putable bond;
  • explain how changes in the level and shape of the yield curve affect the value of a callable or putable bond;
  • calculate the value of a callable or putable bond from an interest rate tree;
  • explain the calculation and use of option-adjusted spreads;
  • explain how interest rate volatility affects option-adjusted spreads;
  • calculate and interpret effective duration of a callable or putable bond;
  • compare effective durations of callable, putable, and straight bonds;
  • describe the use of one-sided durations and key rate durations to evaluate the interest rate sensitivity of bonds with embedded options;
  • compare effective convexities of callable, putable, and straight bonds;
  • calculate the value of a capped or floored floating-rate bond;
  • describe defining features of a convertible bond.
  • An embedded option represents a right that can be exercised by the issuer, by the bondholder, or automatically depending on the course of interest rates. It is attached to, or embedded in, an underlying option-free bond called a straight bond.
  • Simple embedded option structures include call options, put options, and extension options. Callable and putable bonds can be redeemed prior to maturity, at the discretion of the issuer in the former case and of the bondholder in the latter case. An extendible bond gives the bondholder the right to keep the bond for a number of years after maturity. Putable and extendible bonds are equivalent, except that their underlying option-free bonds are different.
  • Complex embedded option structures include bonds with other types of options or combinations of options. For example, a convertible bond includes a conversion option that allows the bondholders to convert their bonds into the issuer’s common stock. A bond with an estate put can be put by the heirs of a deceased bondholder. Sinking fund bonds make the issuer set aside funds over time to retire the bond issue and are often callable, may have an acceleration provision, and may also contain a delivery option. Valuing and analyzing bonds with complex embedded option structures is challenging
  • According to the arbitrage-free framework, the value of a bond with an embedded option is equal to the arbitrage-free values of its parts—that is, the arbitrage-free value of the straight bond and the arbitrage-free values of each of the embedded options.
  • Because the call option is an issuer option, the value of the call option decreases the value of the callable bond relative to an otherwise identical but non-callable bond. In contrast, because the put option is an investor option, the value of the put option increases the value of the putable bond relative to an otherwise identical but non-putable bond.
  • In the absence of default and interest rate volatility, the bond’s future cash f lows are certain. Thus, the value of a callable or putable bond can be calculated by discounting the bond’s future cash flows at the appropriate one-period forward rates, taking into consideration the decision to exercise the option. If a bond is callable, the decision to exercise the option is made by the issuer, which will exercise the call option when the value of the bond’s future cash flows is higher than the call price. In contrast, if the bond is putable, the decision to exercise the option is made by the bondholder, who will exercise the put option when the value of the bond’s future cash flows is lower than the put price.
  • In practice, interest rates fluctuate and interest rate volatility affects the value of embedded options. Thus, when valuing bonds with embedded options, it is important to consider the possible evolution of the yield curve over time.
  • Interest rate volatility is modeled using a binomial interest rate tree. The higher the volatility, the lower the value of the callable bond and the higher the value of the putable bond.
  • Valuing a bond with embedded options assuming an interest rate volatility requires three steps: (1) Generate a tree of interest rates based on the given yield curve and volatility assumptions; (2) at each node of the tree, determine whether the embedded options will be exercised; and (3) apply the backward induction valuation methodology to calculate the present value of the bond.
  • The option-adjusted spread is the single spread added uniformly to the one-period forward rates on the tree to produce a value or price for a bond. OAS is sensitive to interest rate volatility: The higher the volatility, the lower the OAS for a callable bond.
  • For bonds with embedded options, the best measure to assess the sensitivity of the bond’s price to a parallel shift of the benchmark yield curve is effective duration. The effective duration of a callable or putable bond cannot exceed that of the straight bond.
  • When the option is near the money, the convexity of a callable bond is negative, indicating that the upside for a callable bond is much smaller than the downside, whereas the convexity of a putable bond is positive, indicating that the upside for a putable bond is much larger than the downside.
  • Because the prices of callable and putable bonds respond asymmetrically to upward and downward interest rate changes of the same magnitude, one-sided durations provide a better indication regarding the interest rate sensitivity of bonds with embedded options than (two-sided) effective duration.
  • Key rate durations show the effect of shifting only key points, one at a time, rather than the entire yield curve.
  • The arbitrage-free framework can be used to value capped and floored floaters. The cap provision in a floater is an issuer option that prevents the coupon rate from increasing above a specified maximum rate. Thus, the value of a capped floater is equal to or less than the value of the straight bond. In contrast, the floor provision in a floater is an investor option that prevents the coupon from decreasing below a specified minimum rate. Thus, the value of a floored floater is equal to or higher than the value of the straight bond.
  • The characteristics of a convertible bond include the conversion price, which is the applicable share price at which the bondholders can convert their bonds into common shares, and the conversion ratio, which reflects the number of shares of common stock that the bondholders receive from converting their bonds into shares. The conversion price is adjusted in case of corporate actions, such as stock splits, bonus share issuances, and rights and warrants issuances. Convertible bondholders may receive compensation when the issuer pays dividends to its common shareholders, and they may be given the opportunity to either put their bonds or convert their bonds into shares earlier and at more advantageous terms in the case of a change of control.
  • A number of investment metrics and ratios help analyze and value convertible bonds. The conversion value indicates the value of the bond if it is converted at the market price of the shares. The minimum value of a convertible bond sets a floor value for the convertible bond at the greater of the conversion value or the straight value. This floor is moving, however, because the straight value is not fixed. The market conversion premium represents the price investors effectively pay for the underlying shares if they buy the convertible bond and then convert it into shares. Scaled by the market price of the shares, it represents the premium payable when buying the convertible bond rather than the underlying common stock.
  • Because convertible bonds combine characteristics of bonds, stocks, and options, as well as potentially other features, their valuation and analysis are challenging. Convertible bond investors should consider the factors that affect not only bond prices but also the underlying share price.
  • The arbitrage-free framework can be used to value convertible bonds, including callable and putable ones. Each component (straight bond, call option of the stock, and call and/or put option on the bond) can be valued separately.
  • The risk–return characteristics of a convertible bond depend on the underlying share price relative to the conversion price. When the underlying share price is well below the conversion price, the convertible bond is “busted” and exhibits mostly bond risk–return characteristics. Thus, it is mainly sensitive to interest rate movements. In contrast, when the underlying share price is well above the conversion price, the convertible bond exhibits mostly stock risk–return characteristics. Thus, its price follows similar movements to the price of the underlying stock. In between these two extremes, the convertible bond trades like a hybrid instrument.

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