Career Insights: Corporate Treasury Management
Corporate treasury helps companies navigate the VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous) world, in which a once-in-a-lifetime financial market event has become the new normal. Treasury is the heart and pulse of any company because it deals with money and financial risk. From a cost centre, the treasury department has evolved to become a strategic business partner, making decisions around an organization’s financial activities. Corporate treasury offers a rewarding, exciting, and dynamic career, in which a professional has the opportunity to shape the future of an organization’s financial strategy.
In this webinar, Pranav Chudgar, CFA, shares the key trends and technology that has rapidly changed the treasury field, reasons for increasing demand for treasury professionals, and career options in this space.
Learning Outcomes
- Gain an overview of key trends shaping corporate treasury.
- Learn about traditional versus emerging roles.
- Review career options and career paths for treasury professional.
- Discuss skills, competencies, and personality traits.
This is the archived version of a live webinar that took place on 13 July 2023
About the Speaker(s)
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