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CFA Institute Research Foundation and Calcbench Announce Partnership; Provide CFA Institute members with instant and systematic access to 10-Ks, 10-Qs, earnings statements and more

3 October, 2022
New York City United States

The CFA Institute Research Foundation, a research arm of CFA Institute that sponsors independent, in-depth research on investment management issues, and Calcbench, the leading interactive financial research firm for data intensive analysts, today announced a new partnership to provide CFA Institute members with instant and systematic access to all the data in financial statements. Through the Investment Data Alliance, members can now benefit from free access to as-filed 10-Ks, 10-Qs, earnings press releases, and more. 

Through Calcbench’s platform or Excel Add-in, CFA Institute members now get data that’s true to financial statements, in line-item detail, all traceable back to the source. In addition, users will be able to search financial statements by topic (for example, share repurchase programs) or section (Risk Factors, Management Discussion & Analysis, and so forth) and can compare peer performance over time.  

“We’re delighted to provide CFA Institute members with free access to the Calcbench platform,” said Bud Haslett, Executive Director of the CFA Institute Research Foundation. “Now members can get all the data in financial statements, including the details within the footnotes for free.”

“The Calcbench team is proud to have been selected to serve CFA Institute members through the Investment Data Alliance with modern tools to aid in their financial analysis,” said Calcbench co-Founder and CEO Pranav Ghai. 

CFA Institute members can visit this link to sign up for this free service. Webinars will be held regularly to provide CFA Institute members with information on Calcbench’s features and functionality.

<p><strong>About Calcbench</strong></p><p>Calcbench is a financial data platform designed for outperformance. Founded in 2011, the company uses the latest technology to offer instant and systematic access to all the data (numbers and text) in financial statements, including the details hidden within the footnotes. Developed by former analysts, Calcbench was built for finance professionals looking to go deeper. Visit<a href="https://nam12.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.calcbench.com%2F&amp;data=05%7C01%7Cbud.haslett%40cfainstitute.org%7Cea2a9b43d1bb4aa6aa2d08da9534920b%7C53a818f111e046388863b78b176399bd%7C1%7C0%7C637986350652290657%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C2000%7C%7C%7C&amp;sdata=9xVJ4d2LH%2FDtI%2FnNwo8SWumNmtksWUe8Ol8RDlse5wc%3D&amp;reserved=0"> www.calcbench.com</a> to learn more.</p>