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Fixed-Income Bond Valuation: Prices and Yields

2024 Curriculum CFA Program Level I Fixed Income


We will now use discounted cash flow analysis to calculate bond prices and show how the discount rate used as well as a bond’s features, such as its coupon rate and time-to-maturity, affect pricing. The price of a bond and its future cash flows can be used calculate an internal rate of return, known as the yield-to-maturity, which serves as a useful return measure for fixed-income investors under certain assumptions. One of these assumptions that applies to this learning module is that all bond interest and principal cash flows occur as promised. We will explore the relationship between bond prices and bond features, showing how different features affect a bond’s price, and demonstrate pricing both on and between bond coupon dates. Finally, we will introduce matrix pricing, which uses comparable bonds to estimate a bond’s price and yield-to-maturity when neither is known. 


1 PL Credit

If you are a CFA Institute member don’t forget to record Professional Learning (PL) credit from reading this article.